Six became a stronger team after their Chain Reaction was a success

Published on Feb 20, 2020


SIX as one of our recurring clients in recent months, expected for this Team Building to be unique and effective.

With the slogan "Heading to the next level", employees were expected to act as a team, being reactive to any setback during the activity and always pushing further on the expectation of success.

team building fun mexico

Objectives in brief:

  • Teamwork and Integration
  • Sense of urgency
  • Proactivity
  • Goal Expansion
  • Collaboration

fun team building mexico


With the application of Catalyst’s Chain Reaction activity, teams had to negotiate, trade materials and collaborate as one. This last part was a central part of SIX’s objectives.

Working with domino pieces, balls, tires and more, teams exceeded the limits of their creativity, not only to achieve the "wow" effect, but also to be successful in the chain reaction.

six creative team building

The challenges included:

  • Working against time
  • Overcome communication barriers
  • Work quickly and agile
  • Go over the limits of their imagination
  • Be a team player

creative team building mexico


The activity was a huge success, not only because the participants managed to form a magnificent Chain Reaction, but because of the recognition Catalyst México received from SIX’s organizers.

The euphoria of the participants at the end of the activity, evidenced that they had an incredibly fun time. Although the teams were at times a little overwhelming, they showed a positive attitude towards the challenges.

team building activity mexico

corporate team building mexico

creative team building with six

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